Break that Cycle - Streams of Joy Devotional
“And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.”
(Mark 10: 46)
(Mark 10: 46)
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.
According to Bible commentators, one in every five men was blind in the days of Bartimaeus. Blindness was a common problem that anyone could have encountered in the days of Bartimaeus. If one cared to look around, more blind men would have been discovered.
Though blindness was common, Bartimaeus pushed for healing. He didn’t accept the commonality he was about to share with others who were blind. Others may have accepted blindness but Bartimaeus did not accept it. A common disease met an uncommon man who refused the trend.
Friend, don't accept the status quo. Don't accept any negative commonality. Don’t accept negativity in your life simply because others have accepted it; don’t accept that any negative trend or misfortune will be your portion simply because someone else has accepted it; reject any negativity that has happened to people around you; refuse every negative commonality.
Bartimaeus met Jesus, and he broke away from the negative commonality he shared with those who were blind in his days. If you have a covenant with God, and if only you can encounter God, your case will be different from the case of others. Your connection to Jesus is all you need to break away from every cycle of negativity that others may be caught in.
Your case is different if you share a relationship with Jesus. Stay connected to Jesus and He will break you out of every cycle of negativity that wants to pull you down.
Matthew 15 vs. 13 says: “...Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.”
Pray With Me: Lord, I break out of the cycle of negativity; the negativity that happens to others will not happen to me, in Jesus’ ({})
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