The Holy Spirit, My Helper

The Bible repeatedly tells us that God is our helper. The question is, do we really trust God to help us?
It's easy to respond right away that we trust Him, but when it comes to practically applying this truth to our everyday life — leaning on the Holy Spirit to help us in every area of our lives — we often struggle to do it.
As born-again believers in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit — God's Spirit — lives in our spirit.
In John 16:7, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit is our "Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby)" and that He wants "to be in close fellowship" with us (AMPC).
It's so important for us to know that we can have a close, intimate relationship with the Holy Spirt, that He will communicate with us. I went to church for many years and had no idea that I could overcome my problems and live with real peace and joy because the Holy Spirit lived in my spirit. It was life-changing for me when I got the revelation that He wanted to lead me in God's will for my life and He would enable me to do everything I needed to do.
The truth is if we really believe God is our helper and He's willing to help us no matter what situation we're in, then we have no reason to worry or get overwhelmed.
I'll let you in on another secret: You need to ask God for help because the Holy Spirit is not the type to barge into your life and take over.
Have you ever had someone try to push their opinions or their agenda on you? They may or may not know what they're talking about, and they may not even be really interested in helping you do what needs to be done, but they sure have a lot to say about what you're doing wrong!
That's not what the Holy Spirit does.
The Holy Spirit knows the answer to every problem, and He will even help you through each one. But He won't give you His advice unless you ask for it. In other words, the humble get the help.
Joyce Meyer
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