When Desire is Achieved

Hope deferred makes the hear sick but when desire comes, it is a tree of life.... Proverbs 13:12

We would not really want to put in a labourious explanation as to why hope deferred makes the heart sick, because quite a handful of us have been there and are currently still there and tell you what, too many people know what it is for the heart to be sick haven fallen short of great dreams and hopes at one time or the other.

It is crucial to note that the word defer means; It means to postpone or delay something. So, hope deferred does not mean hope killed. It does mean that desire will surely be accomplished, it will sincerely just take a while but it will be accomplished

When this deferred hope is achieved, it becomes a tree yielding many fruits (many kinds of success), whilst continually being of great benefits to many. A tree in reality does not die either. It abides for generations.

Thus, that hope being deferred today, will be a monumental success tomorrow. Keep the desire, satisfaction will come like a tree satisfying your generations unborn.


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