What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?

1.College is a joke (unless you’re going to be a Dr, otherwise a complete waste).

2. You won’t get rich working for a company (which is what college trains you to be - a corporate wannabe).

3. It’s so easy to start your own company(s).

4. It’s easy to be free (see #3).

5. Life isn’t about money or materialistic things.

6. You can get cancer at any age. So be healthy and never say it won’t happen to you.

7. The only things that matter in life are your family and the quality of relationship you have with them.

8. Don’t worry about what other people think about you, don’t worry about what other people are thinking about, don’t spend your time thinking about stupid things such as these.

9. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Cliche but it’s surprising how most people don’t follow it.

10. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. Accept it and don’t think twice about it. Accept whatever life brings to you. Love your fate (this means the good and bad things that happen to you).

James Compton

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