A Success story without God

First, there's no great success achieved without God; yes we hear a lot of this but sure you can't stop hearing it so we try our best to make it sink and become a part of you.
There is no true success without God. Success in business,  success in your place of work,  success in your marriage,  success in your academics,  success in whatsoever that has to do with your life.

You need prayers to back it up, Intelligence is beautiful, Emotional Intelligence is even more beautiful. But involve God.

Remember,  true and great success does not come easily, there must be a pro-cess to get to that point.

Success is as a result of hard work,  sacrifices,  creativity,  determination,  patience and getting over mistakes.  A super success requires great effort, and  fact is, in working it out, the enemy must show up  to discourage you.  But if you know these things understand the simple things of being in a relationship with God,  I know you'll overcome the enemy and then take your crown of success "even in your finances,  parenting,  marriages, relationships etc".

Why do we need God in every area of our day to day living and thinking,  that is because the enemy knows that we are set for greatness so he has his weapons set all around to destroy. His weapons often come as:



Personal issues





Be wise, learn to conquer effortlessly.

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