Success is in the mouth of too many people who only wants to achieve it all alone.People get carried away by their personal goals and feels since its 'personal',they alone can make it work.

This is a wrong mindset if one must encounter that destination called success.
A solitary ride never achieves a lot,even an island has people in it.

How then is success better achieved?. Teamwork. That's it.

Success is better achieved with a pair or a team who share a common goal and are committed to making it work.Challenges and problems are better resolved when you have a few like-minds around.

You want to have your name on the wall; you want to take credit for an accomplishment;
you want to take all the gains or perhaps,the lion's share in every dealing?

Watch out,your way downwards is not too far away.Greed becomes your biggest challenge.

Teamwork makes you strive for more,gives you better perspectives to achieving your aims and provides additional manpower,resources,ideas that push the team and individuals to greater heights.

Standing alone makes you more vulnerable to attacks and downfall than standing with a team.

Make an effort to stand with like-minds today.

Stanley Ossai

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