Many of us are familiar with the above term, because we did Agricultural Science in secondary school. But, I want to talk about it in relation to personal relationships.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines 'Weed' as "an obnoxious growth, thing, or PERSON".
And Obnoxious means "unpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted"
End of English class.
You see, these weeds come in different forms to upset your life balance and tilt you over to the edge.
And if you let them be, their toxicity will kill you bit by bit.
They are the people that represent the Voice of Doom for you. They always, always see the negativity in every dream and project you share with them .
They discourage and laugh at your 'absurd ambitions'. And they never forget to give you the 'I told you so' pat on the back, whenever things go their way.
They are the parasites that want to suck you dry, till you're gone and nothing. Nothing at all.
Always receiving and never having anything to give back.
Some turn you into the Fountain that never runs dry. They borrow, and you have to run a marathon to catch up with them and collect back what is yours.
They're the ones that derive Joy in getting you unnecessarily upset. Just for the fun of it.
And then, after all these, they summon up enough courage to badmouth you to every other person except to you.

Recently, I made a Choice to do some weeding and I suggest you do same.
You know these people. Yes, you do.
They're the ones that won't allow you be Great.
It's a new month dear Reader, gather the weeds, put them out to dry and burn them to ashes.
A beautiful September to you all.
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