Because I am called for greatness

Having occupied a good number of managerial positions. It's quite difficult to accept to do certain things or anything less.

But here is the thing:

* I have a dream

* I won't give in to failure

* Its another step to attain greatness

* I am flexible

* I adapt when need calls

* So long as God is involved, there can never be a failure.

Have there been periods you feel you are no longer who you used to be or who you were known for?

For instance, you were known as the human Resource Manager of a company and for certain reasons, you find yourself in an organisation as a Storekeeper. How do you see such change? *frowns*


A popular saying goes; if you are not flying, walk. If you are not walking, crawl but the *koko* is KEEP MOVING!

You know your onion. You know your worth. Don't ever become less of yourself even if you get to work at the lowest paid job ever.

An idle mind is the devil's workshop, there shouldn't be a room for idleness. And that's why you should find something/anything Legit.....

Your job/career does not define who you are. When you discover PURPOSE, your job title becomes less important.

Have a fruitful week

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