Who hot temper epp? We pride over being "hot temper"

You know how some persons will flare up, at the slightest provocation and even pride in the fact that they have 'hot temper'. Biko, who has hot temper ever epped in this life?

There's this popular story about a little boy who was very creative and talented, yet had a most horrible temper.

He'd lose his temper, say and do hurtful things to people and think nothing of it. Because of this, he had few friends, but he felt this was as a result of other people's stupidity. It wasn't his fault at all.

One day, his concerned father gave him a bag of nails and a mighty hammer. He was to hit a nail into the fence whenever he lost his temper.

By the end of the first day, he had driven about 37 nails into the fence. After some time, he was able to control his temper so much that no nail was hammered into the fence again.

But, the story doesn't end there o, his wise father further instructed him to pull out the nails the days he doesn't lose his temper.

After he succeeded in pulling all of them out, his father took him to fence and showed him the holes created in it by the nails.

Though, he had succeeded in removing all the nails, he could do nothing to remove the holes.

That's how it is when you lose your temper and say hurtful words to people. Some persons will even go as far as getting physical with the person that has offended them. And more often than not, you'll regret your own words and actions after your head don calm down.

After the initial gra-gra and agbero display, you'll go back and stare at the fence with holes you can never remove with apologies.

So, why not spare yourself and someone the headache by cooling your temper?

Who has hot temper ever ever epped?

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1 comment:

  1. Hahahaaahaha, na real waah.... Who anger EPP?


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