The power of being desired!

You may wonder why I believe in an old fashioned life;  yes!. Mama did not lie when she warned us not to make advances on a man.

This wisdom has helped and save pains to those who held on to it.

Most of us try to mix maturity with reality which has landed us to disappointments.
It is not right to make the first step towards a man no matter how educated,  exposed or civilized you think you have become.

Most men go for a good challenge. Have you not noticed that men naturally find it easy to separate emotion from their real self than women?

A man might be in for just fun, but we make excuses for them like " he doesn't like making calls,  he's probably out of town,  he is a shy person,  he possibly lost his phone".

Stop making excuses for him!

My dear, when a man wants something, he wants it! And he'll  do whatever it takes to get it no matter the cost. His money,  time? Name it, even his strength.

Every man, even the liberated man loves challenge when it comes to getting a woman for real.

If a man did not give you back the signal that he saw your smile,  don't try to push further, let him go.

Stop making your heart a football field for him, because men knows who goes for them and who they go for.

Okay, you want to talk about the civilized,  cute looking, gentle guy who is not in the habit of talking to ladies huh?

Alright,  so now you want to help him approach yourself? Lolzzzz .... Civilization won't put our destinies in needless pains sha.

Keep your heart ♥ safe! If a man is interested in you he will make you his business,  he'll clone your image in his heart, he will not give up and will stop at nothing to get your attention.

When Jacob set his eyes on Rachel, the world vanished to him. He was ready to serve, to work for seven years. Hehehehe

Any man who wants you, will want to put more effort, he will get to work to keep you,  he'll get into action because he knows you're valuable.

Be busy like I always say, men value hardwork. He will treasure every of your time, and it makes you more secure to know that you're cherished.

You will agree with me that the power of being desired is wonderfully awesome. It is the best secret of beauty. It put endless smile on your face, It makes you glow!

Now, this is just my opinion. What is yours?



  1. Wow! I love this.

  2. Niece piece. What do you advice ladies that already visit online sites that teaches them how to get a man's attention/flirt and so on?

  3. Personally, I don't condemn ladies who visit or read up materials that encourages them to flirt in the name of modernization. But I will keep encouraging every lady out there, be real, be disciplined, know your worth, don't devalue yourself and also, be flexible.

  4. Well my own point is, everyone has a purpose for doing Whatever they feel like... But I believe the more people like you help and spread these soul warming messages that can help in bringing the best in us, the better things and people becomes.

  5. You are right dear... Thanks for the word of encouragement.


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