Men and their reasons for commitment

I was talking with a very close friend of mine (man) last time and he told me, he is happy that at least he's got who will take care of his children if he's not there. And I was like, seriously? Do you bring a woman into your life just to make babies and to take their responsibilities?
This got me into wondering, "could it be true that most men do not marry for love?", I did a little checking and I found out that men has many reasons they marry.
Some of these reasons will help you understand the 'why behind some wired attitude these men develops after marriage and especially after having one or two children. '
* Some marry, because they're tired of living a bachelor's life. Often, it is about someone who will prepare his meals especially when he's tired for the day
* someone to do the laundry,
* someone to clean up the house.
* Some men marry because they feel they're ready to make children. Some marry because they need someone to assist them financially. Some married because their old mother is sick and need some attention.
A good number of guys marry because the friends are all married Etc.
Talking about all that, love seem not to be the main factor of these weddings and big parties.
Love and Preparedness should be the first reasons a man and woman should first of all agree to live together forever.
Children are gift from God after marriage and life is a blessing that perfects hopes and faith among the union.
God said He that finds a wife has finds a good thing and obtains favor from God! Men love your wives and women be submissive to thy husband. This is clearly telling us that marriage is all about love among the man and the woman. Finding a woman giving her a genuine love will bring everything you so desire in place.
A woman who you truly love, will willingly be in support of everything you do, she'll happily and peacefully grow old with you without regrets, she'll cover your short comings in the public and even before her relatives, she'll always see you in the faces of her children when you're not there.
She'll mourn you with her deepest heart when you're no more, she'll be a mother to you and to your children, her heart will serve as a home even when there's no shelter, she'll understand the look on your face and tone of your voice.
Men, I pray you understand that it is only your 100% love can make your marriage worth living, and your commitment should firstly be based on love.
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