Emotional intelligence (Day 26) - Why do good people under-perform?

Good people don’t under-perform due to the wrong personality, the wrong behaviors or some quixotic definition of culture fit or lack of intelligence or weak team or technical skills. 

They under-perform for one or more of the following reasons: 

• They are not motivated to do the actual work required since the job they’re being asked to perform after being hired was ill-defined before they were hired.

• Being competent to do something is not the same as being motivated to do it. 

• Being motivated to get a job is not the same as being motivated to do the job. 

•The interview focused on assessing competencies, behaviors and depth of skills that only weakly map to the actual work required to be done.

• The hiring manager and candidate don’t work too well together. 

Takeaway: while actual cultural fit is very important, few managers or recruiters understand what this means and how to measure it properly (Lou Adler). 

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