Studying Effectively (PART 1) - EAGLE'S DIET

Before going ahead to share tips on effective studying, I will like to apologize for our inability to keep up with this weekly publication for some weeks now, this was partly due to technical malfunction we experienced. I sincerely apologize.
In the past few weeks I've gotten quite a number of feedbacks from some individuals commending and also recommending means of improving our delivery.
Due to high demand on Academic performance,I decided to share some practical nuggets to aid you the next time you go studying for an exam,interview, or a test.
According to Arcus dictionary "studying means to consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning"
To study is not to read,not to skim but read with the intent to REMEMBER.
Effective studying comprises of you as an individual, your environment and your materials.
In the next few weeks, I will be sharing some practical tips for effective studying.
Everyone claims to study but only few study effectively. To study effectively, pay careful attention to this;
1. HAVE A TARGET; Each time I consult on academics,I try to sell the idea of having a target (I call Academic Goal) in mind. What do you wish to achieve at the end of studying, do you need a Grade point of 4.6 or Excellent performance (85% at most)?
When your desire (goal) is very compelling,it pulls you out of the bed early in the morning, it disengage you from time wasters and keep on you FOCUSED.
2. DECIDE HOW LONG; we all claim to be busy and give only a poor dose of time to studying. As I ritual I follow and also sell to my protégé, decide before hand the length of time you wish to allocate to studying on daily basis. It could be 4hours (Maybe 2hours in the early hours of the day and 2 hours at night). Design it in a way that will encourage consistency. Be disciplined and committed.
3. PERSONAL TIME TABLE; To aid you study effectively,you must develop a well structured personal study time table and be disciplined about it usage. Your time table should comprise of the days of the week in a perpendicular form, the course/subject you want to study per day and the time frame. It must be detailed but SIMPLE.
Join me next week as I take you on effective studying (Part 2).
But for the mean time,your happiness as an undergraduate will never be complete if your academics is suffering from lack of effective study.
Live Intentional!!!
(Weekly Publication)
20th July,2016.
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