Are all men truly idiots?

Huuuuh???Are men really idiots?
First of all let's see who is an idiot? IDIOT is an animal of the rodent family .
As defined in dictionary, a person who is referred as an idiot, is meant to be a stupid person!!
Now read this!
Most times I hear some married women who say all men are idiots. And I wonder if that is a message to pass on to the single ones out there... Probably because the man cheat, the man drinks, the man does not pay attention etc.. I guess you did not realize that fact before you married him okay I understand that, but what about now, you are still living with an idiot and not ready to leave the home for an idiot, so why? You forgot you can't build a peaceful home without God involved.
I now tell you the single ladies out there who often say even the married ones are not happy so what's the need" , really?
Now my advice to you is, if all men are idiots as they said, you better start learning how you can understand one idiot, how you will spend the rest of your life with an idiot, how you can help an idiot to grow, start praying for an idiot to locate you, probably you need to go back to your mama so she can lecture you on how she was able to live with one idiot till that stage of her life.
If you still wonder about a man being an idiot, stop and think about those who opened up on social media that since they're married that the husband goes to market to buy food stuff for the family, think about those who brag how their husband is the best thing that has ever happened to them?
If you are still being deceived, those awful thoughts, sooner you will realize that you chose to place yourself in the midst of agony and regrets.
Mothers I think as much as you try to fight for your right in your homes, you should also teach us how to be the best wife for the right man and teach our brothers same value.