Why are goals not achieved?
On one occasion, I asked one of my protegee about her progress regarding her goals, she gave me a response that got me thinking, it reads "Stella, I don't know why after setting my goals for a particular period of time, I don't even achieve up to half and the time is up.
Today I will be sharing some factors that pose threat to achieving of our set goal.
1. An unwritten goal; it's synonymous to building castle in the air, vast majority of us enjoys fantasizing about our goals, we harbor wishful thoughts in our minds in the name of goal. There is force that accompanies a written goal. It propels you to act.
I will also add that consistent reviewing of our set goals cannot be overemphasized. For me, I have it as a ritual to review my goal every Sunday and the resultant effects has been worth the stress.
2. Unrealistic Goals: Setting lofty goals within a time frame that's unrealistic can be suicidal. So when allocating a time frame to your goal, try as much as you can to be realistic.
3. No sense of urgency or even time frame: Unless you see the need to achieve your goal within a stipulated time, you might just relax and find out in the next 6 months that you've actually wasted a lot of time. Allocate a time frame to your goal and wake up each day with a sense of responsibility to meet up your target.
4. No strategy or laid out plan to accomplish them: In order to achieve our goals, be it Academics, Career, financial, or spiritual, we must have a strategy to accomplish them. This can be be done by breaking down our goals into weekly and daily schedule, also by taking stock of potential challenges that may arise and devise means to overcome them.
5. Accountability: I've always advised my folks to be accountable to someone when it comes to achieving their goals. It spurs you to action when you know that someone looks up to you to achieve a particular goal. This can be achieved by hire an accountability Coach or informing someone you trust also make effort to report weekly as regards your progress.
On a final note, I must say "A GOAL WITHOUT ACTION IS A MERE WISH".
Live Intentional!!
Stella Iwuajoku
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