What answers do you see right now!
Have there been times you feel like giving in?
Have there been times you feel like throwing in the towel?
Have there been times you feel like letting it all out?
Have there been times you feel like staying away from family and friends?
Have there been times you don't feel like praying?
Have there been times you don't feel like singing or worshipping?
I don't have to be a motivational speaker anyways *eyes rolling*.
But here is from my personal experience.
I have experienced all these and still does sometimes. The truth I have come to realise is that "Things
don't just happen without God's consent"!
Before value is attached to Diamond, it goes through refining process.
I am yet to see a new born that starts walking from a day old. The baby goes through the process of learning how to sit, crawl, stand and then walk.
The essence of these illustration is to help us understand the processes of development with human and things.
According to Steve Harris " it is not the problem that is the problem, is the answer you see in the problem"
What are you seeing in your present situation?
When mine had to do with starting up a business, I looked for what the people in my circle needed and I started providing it little by little.
I started with soliciting for the items on credit and gradually, I grew to paying before picking. But all these did not happen without building a relationship first.
You are in a problem is not the problem. The need is " what answers have you come up with in the problem?
When God wants to bless/answer you, He often doesn't give you the way you except. HE GIVES YOU IDEAS! OPPORTUNITIES! for you to explore.
Stop waiting.... Stop counting
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