You shall have good success
Bringing to you the message of today. Believing that it will give answer(s) to your need(s) this afternoon.
Psalm 67: 5-6
Ephesians 1: 22-23
The case of the "double wahala" for dead bodi plane crash that happened few years ago. Everyone including the corpse of the politician in the plane died expect for one man who came out alive.
Grace found him. He was not different from every other person on that aircraft but there was something he had that the rest did not have.
Christians do not make mistake. The bible said "Everything works for good to them that love and fear God".
So while you think you have made so many mistakes that your name has been written off from the book of success or book of life, God is working it out for the better.
Joseph had series of dreams of being served by his brethren. It got to the point where has was sold to slavery. It didn't end there. Potiphar's wife accused him of rape. He was thrown into prison.
To him probably, he would never become a freeman not to talk of being served.
You know the rest of the story. Because Joseph became the second in command in the land where he came in as a slave.
You cannot have good and lasting success without equipping yourself with the word of God.
Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Now, you must discover the word of God that defines or counters the challenges you are going through.
Meditate on it continually. The word of God that comes to you as an information can translate into Revelation.
Until the book is open, the issues of men remain unresolved.
Allow God to speak to you. Men who listens to God never fails. What looks like a failure is always another strategy for God to give you good success.
There is no better prophesy as when you hear God speak to you Himself. You don't need a prophet to extort money from you in the name of special prayers.
When all you do is to help yourself, be set to serve yourself.
Stay put with God. Stay in God.
Best Regards
Babatunde Immanuel Falayi
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