Fight for the future

“...their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives.”
(1 Samuel 30: 3)

That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.

When the Amalekites took David’s wives and children into captivity, David and his men fought back and recovered the families. They didn't sit back to accept the verdict of the enemy. They didn't give up on what they lost. Children are the future of every generation. So David and his men fought to regain their 'future'. 

They didn’t leave the future in bondage; they fought for their future.

Friend, God says, fight for your future. Don’t allow the enemy to have the final say on your future. Don’t allow the enemy to plant negativity in your future. Don’t allow the future to be a slave to the enemy. Don’t allow the enemy to determine what becomes of you in the next few months and years. Don’t allow the enemy to win the war of your future.

If the enemy has already put your future into captivity, recover it by prophetic prayers and spiritual warfare. Prayer is the currency that buys back what the enemy has stolen. Pray into the future before it manifests. Speak words that will shape your future. Make it a habit to speak into your tomorrow.

Any future in the hands of the enemy will birth pain, shame, disgrace, disappointments, stagnation, delays, etc; and when the enemy wants to mess up your future, he destroys not just days but years. If you don’t fight to defend your future, the enemy will preside over your future and treat you how he wishes.

Arise and fight for your future before the enemy takes charge; and remember that if you fail to fight for your future, you just might become a victim of the future.

Ephesians 5 vs. 16 says: “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
Pray With Me: Lord, I choose to fight for my future; the enemy will not enslave my future, in Jesus’ name!({})

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