When love goes wrong?
Hold on a minute...
Did you just say you don't know how or what you've done wrong to love him?
Okay let' s take it this way, you did not walk up to him the very first time, and maybe you attend the same church. But the truth was that he said "he love you first", and you followed his words right? but that was not wrong! It has never been wrong to love , never!
The truth is you are doing yourself wrong for not knowing if you are loved or if you are wrong loving.
The first time a man sees you, what you put out is what attracted him to you.
It could be your smile, your physique, your facial beauty or it could be because you're a busy lady and so on.
These things could make him preach that he love you. But trust me that is not love yet , that is just calling to attention, because if you'd say thanks for loving me but sorry i am not interested, he can walk away , then does it mean the love vanished immediately?
You see? You must know that the love starts when he has truly feel the love grown inside him then he starts pouring it out because he cannot hold it back .
This process has no specific period of time to come, it could be a week after he met you it could be two weeks it could be just anytime but the truth is you are the one who will engineer the process.
Don't be too forward to start loving a man as if you are the one who will conclude but first show him your original self , and show him respect, learn and understand him, take him closer to God, just make him see that your heart can serve him as a home , then before you know it love will be just everywhere around you.
And you will start feeling the real love. You will also found yourself accepting everything about him and things will fall in place .
But if you meet a man today and all you think is that the eye pencil you drew on your face brought him to you or that your expensive look brought him to you or your money brought him to you and so you have to keep up to that just to hold him down... hahaha yes, you are not wrong because actually those things could draw him to you. But don't you think that man is human like you and he is the subject here , as you plan to kill him with your makeups, so he is seeing you that you are artificial for him to keep as a wife, whatever you do he sees it and if you are too loose he sees it too.
And he starts the plus and minus on you while you are busy trying to love him , please him , spend for him, warm his bed.
Love is not a battlefield, it has to come , then grow and stay. Love is not a business transaction, it only comes from one source and that is the heart of a man. Because no matter how you think you love a man if he does not love you it cannot work.
Just open your heart , then see if that is love, then accept it and nurture it. If you do, that is how it grows , then your heart becomes a home and a safe place for him anytime anyday.
Don't always think you are doing the loving here, that is where you hurt yourself because he knows what he want.
Just do the care , that is your responsibility. And if you do, yet he want to go then let him go.
If you hold on , you are deceiving yourself and chances of you letting the one who will appreciate you will not be there. You putting pressure on him, hmmm, that's wrong.
Please don't force love! Like I said the love of a man comes , you the woman accepts it, plant it in your heart, nurture it , then it grows, you water it and it stays.
Remember ; this process has no specific period of time.
In the spirit of Easter!!!
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