My Life, My definition
Is life really worth living?

Guess what?
Just because you feel bad, that doesn't necessarily mean someone else did something wrong
You can't expect to have what you want if you don't ask for what you want
Relationships are voluntary. Your partner has a right to leave you. The best way to keep your partner is to be an awesome person, so they don't want to leave
Communication is most important exactly when it is hardest to do
Other people are real; their needs and desires matter just as much as yours
You and you alone are responsible for the life you live. If you do what everyone else tells you that you "should" do, and you end up miserable and unfulfilled, that's on you. Make choices that make you happy, not choices to do what other people think you should
Your heart will get broken. It's what you do after that happens that really defines who you are
Everyone around you, all the confident, with-it, together people who seem to know what they're doing--they're just as scared as you and they're winging it just like you. The difference between people who do scary things and people who don't is choosing to do things even when they scare you
If you're in a position where you're not sure what the right thing to do is, move in the direction of greatest courage
Stop blaming your past, stop complaining about how irresponsible or unthoughtful your parents have been
Your parents inability to take care of your basic needs is not the reason for your suffering
Your inability to STAND UP and ACT is the problem
Be wise, Be happy, Fulfill Purpose.
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