The making of a great Attitude

Two boys were playing with a toy plane one day, but unfortunately the toy broke. One of the boys said to the other “let’s take this to my father, he can fix anything”. So they took the plane to his father. The man tried his best but could not fix the broken plane. But just when he was about to give the boys the bad news, his son repeated his earlier assertion to his friend “I told you, he can fix anything”. Now the man could not afford to disappoint his son’s confidence in him; so he said to the boys “I’ll be back”. He went to the nearest toy store and got them a brand new toy plane.
Just like the confident boy in this true story, whatever you expect in life, you will eventually experience. Remember the words of Richard M. De Vos that says that: “The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible”.

Developing a Positive attitude simply means taking control of your thoughts. You see, your attitude is a product of your feelings; and your feelings are a product of your thoughts. Therefore if you can control your thoughts, you will control your feelings and determine your attitude.
It may be challenging at first to gain control of your thoughts, but with consistent practice, you will gain mastery. People find it difficult to believe when I tell them that I used to be shy and fearful. But by gaining mastery over my thoughts, I am today a confident and courageous young man, adding value to others.

The starting point is to transit from mere opinions to conviction. A conviction is “An unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence”. To succeed, you have to strongly believe that you will succeed, even when you nothing. You see, thoughts are the raw materials for achievement; when your thoughts are strong enough, they will move you to take the necessary steps to bring them to pass. Your conviction will dominate your vocabulary. Some people try to say positive things that they really don’t believe; you won’t produce results that way. But when you take the time to develop strong positive thoughts through regular meditation on truth, it will colour your language, and condition everything about you. Always recall the words of John C. Maxwell: We become outside what we believe inside!

Culled from: Hillcity

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