Beware of Many - Streams of Joy Devotional

Beware of those who discourage you when you are on the brink of success.

Beware of naysayers who remind you of how impossible your dreams and visions are.

Beware of many who gang up to give negative verdicts on your expectations.

Beware of many who see no future in your efforts and venture. Beware of ‘many’ who have nothing 
to achieve and try to stop your own achievement.

Sometimes, the discouraging voices around you have no identity of success.

Sometimes, they have no dreams, visions, aspirations, targets like you, and they want to keep you at their level with their words and opinions.

The fact that many people spoke with one voice to shut you up didn’t mean that they were right.

Sometimes, when many people rehearse the same discouraging words in your ears, they might be 
ignorant and sincerely wrong, and you would be making a mistake if you take them too seriously.

Life is not a democracy where majority always carries the vote.

Focus on God, focus on your mission, and you will hit your targets despite the ‘many’ that have 
ignorant opinions.

Have a great day ahead

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