It is September already. How far have you gone with your New Year Resolution? Find out how to go about it in the remaining months of the year.
December 31st of last year was probably exciting for you and you were so optimistic about this year.
You were probably in church for the watch night service or at home just chilling and quietly waiting for the last hours of the year to run down.
Maybe you were with friends having a good time.Wherever you were on that day,you certainly had in mind what you wanted to achieve this year.
This has been a ritual over the years,writing down goals and resolutions for the coming year.
Your goals were fantastic!!!. You had it all planned.Perfectly written with smiles on your face.
Optimism is usually on the high at this time.
Optimism is usually on the high at this time.
January comes and you feel oh! It is too early in the year.Still getting over the Christmas holidays and embracing the new year.It's probably too soon for anything.
February comes and again you feel there is a whole lot of time to achieve all that you have set for the year.
You think: After this month,I should start working on them.
March; marches in the same way. Complacency steps in.You become totally complacent. By this time,you probably must have forgotten some of your goals.
Perhaps you can't seem to find the paper or notebook you wrote them.
You are probably still searching for it until...
Oh!!! Here comes April,some things become more important and your goals are beginning to get out of mind and possibly out of sight.
Oh! I'll wait until after the Easter period.I think I should be better balanced by then.
May becomes an attitude.An attitude of procrastination.Your words begin to sound like this "I may do it this month"
"I may start that course this week or next".
"I may start that project anytime soon".
"I may start that course this week or next".
"I may start that project anytime soon".
May creeps in into every statement you make and your May never become a reality until you find yourself in....
June.Ahhh!!! I need money to solve this or that.As soon as I get resources and clear my debts,pay for projects and the rest,things should be fine.\
You chase after resources and time gradually runs faster than you imagine.
You wake one day and its...
July.You realise half of the year is gone and you probably have achieved little or nothing.Life has become an everyday routine.
You probably haven't gone much upwards in Career,business,Finances,relationships,Spiritual life and so on.
You begin to wonder what you actually have been doing all these while.
"January was just yesterday"
Oh! Yes, it was, just that you forgot there is a whole lot of time between "yesterday" and today.
August comes and you begin to think and look serious.A lot has really happened in life but not much has happened in your little world.
You begin to feel a little pressure having this in mind.Maybe things will become better in a couple of weeks,you think.
Let's say you finally get one or more things done but there is a lot yet untouched.
As you meditate,time flies by and holla!
It's September...the last quarter of the year is here.
So what next?
How far have you gone?
What have you done?
What do you want to do?
Can you shun complacency and procrastination?
Can you start now?
Now is the time
Forget your limits and begin to make a headway.
Start now
There is little time left.
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