
Luke 23:44

Why was there darkness for 3 hours at the death of Jesus Christ?

John 1:4
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

When the light of the world died, their was outmost darkness on earth but then, there was WAR! Christ was fighting for our redemption.
He defeated death. It could not hold Him captive.
The key of life and death, He took.

Breaking the gates of brass and cutting asunder the bars of iron.
The veil at the holies of holy was turn. We have direct access to God individually.

If there is anything worth knowing and holding on to, is the fact that I don't have to consult anybody or thing before I can talk to my heavenly Father. I'm overwhelmed!!!

I realised that I can only enjoy this rare privilege with close relationship with God.

As lots of messages, teaching go on everyday. You still need close relationship with God.
What I do and has always work for me is to discuss with Him as though I see Him physically. 

Answers/solutions never stop dropping.

Happy Palm Sunday

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